The U.S. Department of Commerce on May 10, 2021 determined that imports of methionine from France were unfairly traded and dumped in the United States at margins of 43.82 percent.
On June 10, 2021, the U.S. International Trade Commission voted unanimously that U.S. producers of methionine were materially injured by reason of dumped imports from France. As a result of these rulings, importers of methionine from France will need to pay antidumping duties at the rate of 43.82 percent ad valorem.
Schagrin Associates filed petitions alleging that methionine from France, Japan, and Spain were being dumped in the United States in July 2020. The petitions were filed on behalf of Novus International, Inc., which is headquartered in St. Charles, Missouri.
Commerce is scheduled to make its final determinations regarding imports of methionine from Spain and Japan in July 2021, and the ITC is expected to issue its determinations on those two countries in August 2021.
The value of methionine imports from the three target countries exceeded $125 million during 2020.
Schagrin Associates has over 35 years of experience representing clients in antidumping and countervailing duty proceedings. For more information, please visit our website at